Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Silly Kids!

Funny Conner Story

Tonight I was getting a glass of water from the dispenser. Conner told me he wanted to get it for me, so I let him. He took the cup and filled it about 1/4 full of water. Then he said to me, "You only get a little 'wawer'." I asked him why. He replied, "You only get a little so you won't pee pee in your pants." Isn't he SO thoughtful?

Belyn Vocabulary Lesson

1. Tinterbelt- Tinkerbell
2. toopaint- toothpaste
3. hanpimp- handprint
4. Tonner- Conner
5. Tooper- Cooper
6. Panaamas- pajamas

Funny story:

I was changing clothes last week and Belyn was there in the room with me. She looked at my stomach and had a concerned look on her face. She said, "What's going on? What's going on with your tummy?" I guess she doesn't have stretch marks!!

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